Homeownership Program

Homeownership Program

Operation Better Block Homeownership Program will provide potential homeowners with the homeowner education and consultation needs including credit repair, financial assistance, and

Programs & Services

  • Homeownership Education Workshop
  • Financial Literacy/ Budgeting
  • Budget & Credit Counseling
  • One-on-one Counseling ( Pre & Post Assessment)

Home Ownership Education Workshop

All program participants will be required to attend a Homebuyer orientation which will provide them with information pertaining to budgeting, financial goal setting, savings, credit, job assistance, counseling, and free grants that could possibly assist with homeownership expenses.

Financial Literacy & Budgeting

Financial Literacy & budgeting classes will provide home buyers with a better understanding and process of becoming financially literate when it comes to money management and better spending habits.

Budget & Credit Counseling

Participants will receive one-on-one budget & Credit counseling that will assist with credit concerns, increase credit scores, and assistance in understanding how the credit system works. All participants will receive free credit reports and recommended credit solutions.

One-on-One Counseling

Operation Better Block will provide each Homeownership participant with one-on-one counseling on Smart Goals, avoiding predatory lending practices, determining homeownership readiness, and assistance with qualification for free homeownership grants. All homeownership participants will receive pre & post-assessments.

Program Application

For more information on our program, fill out our online application or Home Buying Ownership Questionnaire, and send it back to us via fax or mail. For more information, contact: Reginald Good at 412-731-1908 Ext 202.

Contact OBB




801 N. Homewood Ave. Pittsburgh, PA